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Farm Tours

Farm Market:

Winter Hours (1/9-3/23) – Thurs & Fri 9a-5p Sat 9a-4p (closed Sun-Weds)

Normal Hours (resume 3/24) – Monday thru Saturday (closed Sun)

Tulip fields expected to open April 16 (possibly sooner)!!

Farm Tours Spring, Summer & Fall!

One of our favorite things to do here at Flinchbaugh’s Orchard is to teach oth­ers – espe­cially chil­dren – how our foods are grown.  Our won­der­ful staff  love chil­dren (and adults who love to learn!) and enjoy teach­ing about how our orchard and farm oper­ates. The inter­ac­tive lessons we pro­vide help teach­ers meet the edu­ca­tional objec­tives of their cur­ricu­lum in a fun and excit­ing way.

We are committed to providing an enjoyable, interactive and safe visit to our farm.

Register Now

High­lights Our farm and orchard visits or tours:
A Guided Walking Tour 6 Interactive Learning Stations including: Honey Bee Hives, Fruit Orchard, Corn Field, Corn Bins, Pumpkin Patch, and Soil Station Pick Your Own apples (or peaches) in our Orchard  (summer and fall)• Soil project and seed planting  (spring) Access to our pavilion for a picnic lunch (Please tell us at time of booking!) Seasonal lesson variations: Pumpkin patch creations, Make-your-own soil project, Seed ID and Crawly Critter activity Optional items for additional fees: Wagon ride, corn maze, pumpkin picking, bagged lunch What you take home: Three delicious piece of fruit per student (summer and fall) or seed planting cup (spring), and Great mem­o­ries of a fun day! Teach­ers and par­ents may visit our Farm Market (stu­dents are allowed to shop if given per­mis­sion by teach­ers and parents).
Ready to schedule a trip?  Great!  Follow this link to do so >>

Each farm visit lasts approx­i­mately 90 min­utes.  Please be on time – if you are late your tour time may be short­ened or altered.

You must schedule your tour 7 days prior to your visit.  1 ticket = 10-20 children, plus 10-20 chaperones.

Chil­dren should wear ten­nis shoes/sneakers. Jack­ets and rain­coats are rec­om­mended for cool, rainy days.  Bug spray and cameras are often beneficial as well.

Our Picnic Pavilion is available for tour groups to use for lunch, but must be reserved ahead of time.  One clean indoor restrooms and two outdoor facilities are available for tour groups to use.

To assist you in connecting our curriculum to any lesson plans you may complete in the classroom prior to or after your Farm Tour, we offer our Curriculum Connection Lesson Key to provide you with the science standard to which each educational station corresponds.

What If It Rains?
We encourage schools and groups to keep their reservations unless there are heavy rains.  Please call the orchard (717) 252-2540, the morning of your tour to check on the weather conditions at the farm. If you must cancel, we will work to reschedule your group. 

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or to schedule a tour today!