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Shakes & BBQ Saturday

Farm Market:

Winter Hours (1/9-3/26) – Thurs & Fri 9a-5p Sat 9a-4p (closed Sun-Weds)

+OPEN Fasnacht Day Tuesday March 4 9a-5p

Normal Hours (resume 3/27) – Monday thru Saturday (closed Sun)


Jun 05 2021


10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Shakes & BBQ Saturday

Saturday, June 5 10a-3p
Saturday, June 19 10a-3p

You can’t turn down a famous Farm Show Milkshake and the best Chicken BBQ on a Saturday in June!

What:  We’ve partnered with the Pa Dairyman’s Association and Brian’s Best to bring you these delicious local treats to Flinchbaugh’s Orchard.

Who:  Walk-ins welcome.

Where:  Park in our event parking area and take a short walk to the Orchard Lawn.  The Orchard Pavilion is open for seating, and the Straw Bale Jungle Gym is open for kids to jump and play.

Stop in 10a-3p to enjoy!

**And Shakes & BBQ returns on June 19 during our Touch a Tractor Day (free admission) will be also open.